Indonesian Ally

Indonesian Ally
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One of Indonesia's Closest Allies

Indonesian former foreign minister, the late Ali Alatas, the pioneer of peace in Cambodia
Indonesia has long been Cambodia's closest friend in the region since many years back, not to mention the Cambodian influence in Java many hundreds years back. Indonesia was one of the most active nations (besides France) in promoting peace in Cambodia, where Indonesian officials and peacekeeping army paved the way for the fighting fractions to sit and talk. Indonesia was also among the very first countries to give developmental assistance to newly-installed Cambodian governments in education sector where many young Cambodians were sent to Indonesia to study, in agriculture, industries, aviation, transportation, etc.
Indonesian Ambassador for Cambodia and RCAF commander few days ago
Indonesia was also among the first nations to pump-in the investment in Cambodia, to trigger the whole economic system which had long been relying heavily only on agriculture and forestry. And until this very moment, Indonesia gives military training to RCAF (Royal Cambodian Armed Forces), particularly to Prime Minister's guardians, and Cambodia elite forces. Indonesia is also still providing scholarships to Cambodian youths to study in Indonesia. Cambodia is Indonesia's ally, one of the closest allies.

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