Borobudur,Prambanan, And Angkor Wat

Borobudur,Prambanan, And Angkor Wat
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I am currently staying in the capital city of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. A developing and bustling city at the riverside of Mekong River, a river that blazes Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, one of world's longest and most famous rivers. Over 300 km northwards of Phnom Penh, there's an ancient and grand building, world's most famous temple, the Angkor Wat, which was built by the Khmer Kingdom in the early 1200's. It is the beacon of Cambodia's might and prosperity in the past. Under the Khmer Rouge regime in 1975-1975, this temple survived amid Pol Pot's effort to demolish cultural, educational, and religious activities.

Angkor Wat became so famous after it was ''freely'' promoted by the AMAZING RACE ASIA, and was frequently spotted in Tomb Raider the movie. After that, many many international media came and reported its grandness, preserved as it'd been. Every year, over a million foreign tourist visit the site, which means a sum of forex reserve added to Cambodia's possession.

Borobudur, biggest buddhist temple on earth
Borobudur, biggest Buddhist temple on earth
Largest Hindus temple in Indonesia
Largest Hindus temple in Indonesia

However, not so many people know that Angkor Wat was built far later than Indonesia's two prominent temple, Borobudur (Buddhist temple), and Prambanan (Hindus temple). Borobudur was started to be built in 750 AD and was fully completed in 825, while Prambanan was done 25 years after that, or over 300 years before Angkor Wat was built.  I am sure, with better promotion, better governance, better arrangement, Borobudur and Prambanan will take over Angkor Wat as world's most famous temple.

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