Indonesia's Flying Spy

Indonesia's Flying Spy
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Do you know how to win a battle (or even a war) without losing (many) soldiers (lives)? Some of you might answer "Make peace, not war". Well, that's not exactly what I mean though. Some of you maybe have different answers. And that is... yeappp, gimme five, it's the Un-Manned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The US have been using this kind of warfare to combat the Talibans in Pakistan and Afghanistan. UAV to them is not only a flying spy, but also used for launching missiles to attach enemy's stronghold. Indonesia is on the very way to have such warfare. Either BPPT, PT Dirgantara Indonesia has their own version of UAV, and is very much possible to mass-produce both versions. GNFI has once posted about this, please traceback :) Now, I am talking about a much smaller UAV. Students from Bandung Institute of Technology has successfully developed a UAV called QUADMOTOR Type 1, which can fly 700 m above terrain. It's hardly detectable as it's very light and small. This can also fly in to a building and obtain necessary information inside. Kudos for ITB Bandung!

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