Beyond The Island Of The Gods

Beyond The Island Of The Gods
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I was so embarrassed when I met a New Zealander in Jakarta few weeks ago. He mentioned about many many places in Indonesia that I must visit. A place with no comparison. Hemmm... I forgot to write down the names, but they were alien names to me. Sorrie, Dean. To all GNFI readers all over the world, Indonesia is not only Jakarta, Bali, Lombok. Indonesia's beauty spreads out evenly in any part of the archipelago. This is our first batch of GNFI Beyond Bali Program. This time, I quoted from Next time, I will travel myself. 1. Click -->Manado, North Sulawesi is an exotic year-round dive holiday destination and an area of outstanding natural beauty.

2. Click -->Travel through magical reflections to traditional Dayak village and experience their riverside lifestyle!

2. Click --->Explore Sasak culture in Lombok, uniquely different from its near neighbor, Bali.

3. Click -->Explore nearby traditional Torajan hill villages and their unique homes fashioned like ships and bull’s horns.

4. No trip to Indonesia should be considered complete without a visit to the court cultures of Central Java and the Borobudur temple!

Enjoy the teasers. Next time, visit them yourself!

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