The Palace of The Lost City

The Palace of The Lost City
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All around Southern Africa they are to be found: the scattered sandstone remnants of ancient African cities, once the hearts of the great trading empires built on gold and ivory. Inspired by these lost empires, The Palace of the Lost City at Sun City has been created in a hidden valley in the mysterious Pilanesberg Mountains.

Here, life moves with the rhythms of the ancient continent, while new African nobility take their ease amid sumptuous luxury. At the Palace, you will encounter the Africa of today, and hear the echoes of an Africa long past.

The Palace of the Lost City in South Africa ranks as one of the world's most extraordinary hotels. The centerpiece of the extraordinary Palace of the Lost City complex is a fairytale palace residence, built with unbelievable attention to detail. The interior features exquisite mosaics, frescoes and hand-painted ceilings depicting South Africa 's wildlife and culture. Hard to believe that this is all located in a remote part of South Africa!

So, why am i writing this? Because, this beautiful resort was designed and developed by an Indonesian, named Herliani.


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