Prestasi Indonesia di International Business Awards 2016

Prestasi Indonesia di International Business Awards 2016
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PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) berhasil mempertahankan prestasi di ajang International Business Awards (IBA) 2016.

Dari 20 makalah yang diikutkan emiten pelat merah dalam IBA 2016, 19 yang berhasil menang, terdiri dari 7 Gold, 6 Silver dan 6 Bronze. "Peningkatan signifikan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, yang hanya memperoleh 3 Gold, 4 Silver dan 6 Bronze. Selain itu, Telkom juga memperoleh Grand Stevie Award yang merupakan penghargaan tertinggi di IBA 2106," kata VP Corporate Communication Telkom Arif Prabowo di Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Roma, Italia, Jumat (21/10).

AVP Enterprise Marketing Telkom Dadan Gumbira Pramudia (kiri) dan VP Corporate Communication Telkom Arif Prabowo (tengah) menerima penghargaan IBA 2016 dari Pendiri Stevie Award Michael P. Gallagher, di Roma, Jumat (21/10).(dok)
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IBA merupakan ajang penghargaan internasional untuk para pelaku bisnis yang diselenggarakan The International Business Awards (IBA) yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat. IBA hanya diberikan kepada perusahaan dari lima negara di Asia Pasifik yang dipandang telah memperlihatkan kinerja luar biasa dan berpengaruh terhadap perekonomian masing-masing negara. Ajang ini biasa disebut World Stevie Award. Di ajang International Business Awards (IBA) 2015, operator pelat merah ini menyabet 13 penghargaan.

Ada pun di ajang IBA 2016 sejumlah penghargaan yang diraih Telkom:
Gold Stevie Winners:
1. Muhammad Awaluddin, Category: Maverick of the Year
2. Muhammad Awaluddin, Category: Executive of the Year - Telecommunications
3. Modernize Indonesian Traditional Retail with Telkom e-Commerce Solution, Category: Best New Product or Service of the Year - Software - Electronic Commerce Solution
4. Integrated Cloud Broadcasting: Broadcasting Service Accessibility Solutions, Category: Best New Product or Service of the Year - Software - Cloud Infrastructure
5. Telkomtelstra Infinity Portal, Category: Best New Product or Service of the Year - Software - Web Services Solution
6. Increase a Business Experience through Telkomtelstra Website - Category: Website – Telecommunications
7. Telkomtelstra Ready to Sell (RTS) event, Category: Best New Product Introduction Event

Silver Stevie Winners
1. Muhammad Awaluddin, Category: Innovator of the Year
2. Telkom Indonesia – Enterprise Business Directorate, Category: Company of the Year - Telecommunications - Large
3. TAM Vaganza: SME Beyond Experience Through Omni Channel, Category: Customer Service Team of the Year
4. IndiSchool Social Media Management, Category: Online Marketing Campaign of the Year
5. ILCS iPOS: Accelerate the Process of Logistics at Sea Ports, Category: Best New Product or Service of the Year - Software - Supply Chain Management Solution
6. Digital Activation to Viral the Biggest Hackathon Event in the World, Category: PR Campaign of the Year – Sosmed Focused

Bronze Stevie Winners
1. Telkom Services Supports to The Success of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Transformation, Category: Best New Product or Service of the Year - Business-to-Business Services
2. Micro Business Digital Platform, Category: Best Web Writing/Content
3. Telkom Supports Asian-African Conference Commemoration 2015, Category: Best Association Event or Meeting
4. Mangoesky - Consumer Broadband, Category: Best New Product or Service of the Year - Consumer Services
5. Celebration of 20th Anniversary IPO Telkom Indonesia, Category: Communication Department of the Year
6. Managing the Reputation in Transformation Era, Category: PR Executive of the Year

"Setiap perusahaan yang ingin hidup dan sustainable harus terus berinovasi. Dengan demikian inovasi menjadi sebuah komitmen bagi Telkom untuk terus bertumbuh mencapai sustainable competitive growth. Penghargaan ini membuat kami ingin bekerja lebih keras untuk menjadi salah satu pemain terbesar di Asia Pasifik," tutupnya.(dn)

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