6 Wisata Alam Instagrammable di Bali

6 Wisata Alam Instagrammable di Bali
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Looking for tourist attractions in Bali that are suitable to be used as background photoshoot is not difficult. There are plenty of vacation destinations that have neat, interesting views for your Instagram feed.

1. Calendula Flower Field

The first tourist attraction in Bali that is Instagramable is the Calendula Flower Field. If you come from the direction of Kintamani to Bedugul, this flower field will be seen on either side of the road.

Besides being free, here you can also be satisfied taking pictures with a background of bright yellow marigolds (calendula). If you intend to go to this place, June-August is the most appropriate time, because calendula only blooms for 3 months.

2. Angel’s Billabong

For those of you who are hunting for cool places in Bali with a calm atmosphere, Angel’s Billabong in Nusa Penida might be a reference. This tourist attraction in the form of a "pool" of the mouth of the river with super clear bluish water. On the right and left side there are giant rock cliffs that add to the impression of a private.

With a background of cliff passageways and the high seas, your Instagram feed will be guaranteed to be more colorful.

Mencari tempat wisata di Bali yang cocok untuk dijadikan pemotretan dengan latar belakang yang menarik tidaklah sulit. Ada banyak tujuan liburan yang memiliki tampilan indah dan menarik untuk feed Instagrammu.

1. Calendula Flower Field

Tempat wisata di Bali yang Instagramable yang pertama adalah Calendula Flower Field. Jika kawan datang dari arah Kintamani ke Bedugul, hamparan kebun bunga ini akan terlihat di kedua sisi jalan. Selain tanpa dipungut biaya, di sini kawan juga bisa puas memotret dengan latar belakang marigold kuning cerah (calendula).

Jika kawan berniat pergi ke tempat ini, Juni-Agustus adalah waktu yang paling tepat, karena calendula hanya mekar selama 3 bulan.

2. Angel's Billabong

Bagi kawan yang mencari tempat-tempat keren di Bali dengan suasana yang tenang, Angel's Billabong di Nusa Penida mungkin bisa menjadi referensi. Objek wisata ini berupa "kolam" dari mulut sungai dengan air kebiruan yang super jernih. Di sisi kanan dan kiri ada tebing batu raksasa yang menambah kesan pribadi. Dengan latar belakang lorong tebing dan laut lepas.

3. Pantai Pasih Uug

Still in the Nusa Penida region, there is a beach with giant cliffs, the Pasih Uug Beach. This hole in the cliff was originally unnoticable. However, over time it became "damaged" and the size of the hole increased due to natural factors.

Who would have thought, it was precisely this natural event that finally made this perforated cliff very interesting. If on vacation to Bali, visit this place and pose in front of the camera with a clear blue sea view. Your upload will get a lot of likes!

4. Aling-Aling Waterfall

Aling-Aling Waterfall is one of the most attractive tourist locations in the Buleleng region, Bali. This place is surrounded by high cliffs covered with moss and green trees.

A swift and clear bluish waterfall automatically creates a comfortable, beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. To go to this place, you need to trek for just a few minutes.

In addition to getting wet, don't forget to capture the exciting holiday moments at Aling-Aling Waterfall by taking as many photos as possible! Make sure the camera or gadget that you carry is safe and does not fall into the water.

5. Bukit Campuhan, Ubud

Ubud is one of the areas in Bali which is very famous for its natural beauty. In addition to the tourist village, here there are also many other interesting places, one of which is Campuhan Hill.

Bukit Campuhan has a pretty good jogging track with views of rice paddies. As far as the eye can see, we will be treated to green and fresh atmosphere of the hill. If interested, come in the morning or evening.

4. Air Terjun Aling-Aling

Air Terjun Aling-Aling adalah salah satu lokasi wisata paling menarik di wilayah Buleleng, Bali. Tempat ini dikelilingi oleh tebing tinggi yang ditutupi oleh lumut dan pepohonan hijau.

Air terjun kebiruan yang mengalir cepat dan jernih secara otomatis menciptakan suasana yang nyaman, indah dan damai. Untuk pergi ke tempat ini, kawan perlu melakukan trekking selama beberapa menit.

Selain menjadi basah, jangan lupa untuk mengabadikan momen liburan yang mengasyikkan di Air Terjun Aling-Aling dengan mengambil foto sebanyak mungkin! Pastikan kamera atau gadget yang Anda bawa aman dan tidak jatuh ke air.

5. Bukit Campuhan, Ubud

Ubud adalah salah satu daerah di Bali yang sangat terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya. Selain desa wisata, di sini juga terdapat banyak tempat menarik lainnya, salah satunya adalah Bukit Campuhan. Bukit Campuhan memiliki jalur jogging yang cukup bagus dengan pemandangan sawah. Sejauh mata memandang, kita akan disuguhi suasana hijau dan segar dari bukit. Jika tertarik, datanglah di pagi atau sore hari.

6. Lempuyang Temple

Instagramable attractions don't have to be nature-themed. In Bali there is Lempuyang Temple which offers beautiful views. This Hindu place of worship is in Karangasem Regency. Here, you can take pictures with the background of charming and sacred Hindu temples.

Once satisfied exploring, don't forget to look for a hotel in Bali. If you are still confused, Airy Rooms might be a solution. In addition to offering easy payment processing, the largest hotel chain in Indonesia also guarantees 7 standard facilities for guests, namely air conditioning, flat screen TVs, toiletries, clean beds, warm shower, free drinking water, and free Wifi.

To make it even easier, just download the Airy application on the Android or Apple Store. Come on, vacation to Bali now!

6. Pura Lempuyang

Objek wisata yang tak terencana tidak harus bertema alam. Di Bali ada Pura Lempuyang yang menawarkan pemandangan indah. Tempat ibadah Hindu ini berada di Kabupaten Karangasem. Di sini, kawan bisa berfoto dengan latar belakang kuil Hindu yang menawan dan sakral.

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