My Dreams Of Indonesia

My Dreams Of Indonesia
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You, me, all of us, wanna Indonesia to become a respectable power in the world, Indonesia certainly has a very rich past. It was because of its richness, Indonesia was prone to invasion of other countries innumerable times, and its wealth was plundered.

It is also world's most diverse country. There is not a single country in this world with so much diversity. I am still aware of many mysteries and I am sure my whole life won’t be sufficient to know everything about Indonesia. Indonesia is my country, and I am proud to be Indonesian, so very proud.

I was born in a village called Wonosalam, at the slope of Merapi mountain in the north of Yogyakarta town. I can still clearly recall how simbok simbok (elderly women) walking for long in the mist of a dawn going to traditional market, selling vegetables, eggs, or kerupung. I can still recall I went to Kuning river and jumped on river stones and into the fast-flowing clear water. I can still recall my village was surrounded by green paddy field, I can still recall cows and sheep were released freely to on the farm, i can still recall, people were laughing, smiling, joking, talking about how good Indonesia was. I can still recall people in my village always working collectively to build new homes, clean up roads, or to prepare community events, i can still recall many many many beautiful memories.

Now... things have changed, everything is different now. I have lost my strength to say what have changed, i can only say that we must go back to the line which will lead us to our national dream.

I was asked by a pedicab driver in Surabaya few days ago, "Do you think we can restore the good old days?". "Certainly, we can build better new days", I replied. As I expected, he continued by asking "HOW?". I smiled to him, because it'd be too long to elaborate on how to develop such a big country like Indonesia.

The next day, a preacher in a mosque said to its audience that if it's too hard to plan something, dream about it first. Aha... Dream!

My dream for my country is for it to become prosperous and peaceful and a pacesetter in all aspects of nationhood in the world. We have the resources – both human and natural – to become a great nation, if only all of us would put our minds and hearts into getting this country to where it belongs.

I dream of a peaceful and progressive country; contented smiles on people’s faces everywhere; a government free of corruption.

I wish for Indonesia to further strengthen its bilateral democratic relations with other countries; to make itself progressive in the local, national and international economies, in the United Nations, for the Indonesian economy to boost itself; for Indonesia to have a brilliant and strong government who is without the stain of corruption and will emulate high qualities of honest and quality governance, good spiritual foundation, and good visions towards prosperity; for Indonesia to reach the stature of highly-developed, highly progressive and affluent countries; and for Indonesia to emerge and become a stronger force in the whole world.

I dream of Indonesia entering World Cup.

I dream of Garuda Indonesia acquiring Qantas or British Airways.

I dream...

(Akhyari Hananto)

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