Now, These Are Your Dreams of Indonesia

Now, These Are Your Dreams of Indonesia
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As promised earlier, now we are posting some of your dreams for Indonesia in the future, with some minor edits to the typing. We are sorry we cant include all dreams you submitted via twitter @GNFI or email [email protected], you may resubmit them again and we will post em into the next entry(ies). Here are your dreams: 1. PH_Alerts I dream of no more traffic jam in Jakarta as we have already the MRT's and its fastest vehicle/train 2. ariespurwo I dream of Indonesians to be the top leader in world biggest companies. I dream that UN will always waiting for our advice before release new policy or resolution. I dream of no more traffic jam in Jakarta as we have already the MRT's and its fastest vehicle/train. I dream of no more beggars, and zakat is administered properly to alleviate poverty. 3. tasialarosa I dream of Indonesian language being taught in universities around the world as one of important languages alongside w/ Japanese & French. 4. Rossantoy I want people around the world to recognize our culture,cuisine,crafts,dances,songs, so they'd say in amazement "This Has To Be Indonesian!" 5. mtaufanrp My dreams of Indonesia, led by a great leader, who could bring smiles to every face of Indonesian; that's the root of my every dream. 6.Ameliasimbolon Indonesian tourism industry will be the largest source of fore reserve, and it is very popular worldwide. 7. carissayufita My dream is Indonesia enters and hosts the World Cup. 9. BenyYusron Indonesia will be a corruption-free country. 10. AyoEHere My dream is for Indonesia to have MRT facilities and admission-free toll road. 11. alainbunjamin I dream of no discrimination against any race,tribe,ethnic, religion,soc class, realization of freedom in expressing thoughts n opinions. 12. jacobbashay Indonesia to become world's largest food exporter country. 13. ariespurwo I dream of Mandiri will be the world number one competitor for Citibank. 14. meatid Indonesia will be one of the best education destination for international students. 15. yuliatweets My dream: waking up every morning watching a blue sky above Jkt (i.e. a pollution-free country :)). 16. My Dreams of Indonesia - Dian Harigelita Mochtar I dream of an Indonesia, where every district has its own library. I dream of an Indonesia, where the well-being of teachers are looked after by the government. I dream of an Indonesia, where children are taught first to love Indonesia. Finally, I dream of an Indonesia that realizes it is a people of hope, struggle, togetherness, laughter, pride, respect, faith, justice, and freedom. 16. Fuad_fufu_Helmi My biggest dream is for Indonesia to have a walk of fame like in Hollywood so we know that we also have legends. 17. yotowordpress I dream of all mining company in Indonesia are owned and managed by Indonesian people. 18. lucianancy I hope Indonesia have MANY proper school buildings for all children instead of ONE magnificent building for House of Representatives. 19.ivan_patra06 I have a dream, someday a railway is built across the archipelago, connecting every provinces in Indonesia. 20.biyasbayu My dream of Indonesia is so simple, I really want Indonesia without corruptor, and want to see FIFA World Cup trophy in our hand. 21. amuliaw I dream, if people in the world know 'Indonesia' better than 'Bali', not the opposite like today... 22. goe_gun I wanna have trustworthy senators in the House of Representatives who love people they represent than their own. 23. fisazahra My dream is, Indonesia has many teachers to make their students feel happy to go to school to study! 24.haryoseptoria Develop agro techno in central Java region to create an autonomous community based on resources they have. 25. nhafiasara Starbuck use Indonesian coffee and consumers aware of its distinctive classy aroma. 26. nhafiasara Indonesians would be well aware of the needs to be a part of modern society w/ zillion tolerance n high dignity without harmless pride. 27. Sauqina Indonesia to become center of education where students from around the world study in Indonesian schools and universities. 28. luly_joenoes Security for it's people on basic need such as food, health, education & the future. 29. halloarie Indonesia has cutting-edge expertise in agriculture, farming and fisheries, this will propel the growth. 30.Tia_aja Indonesia to resume the spirit of Gotong Royong (collective works) and Musyawarah untuk Mufakat (compromise) to restore the national identity and dignity.

We have the honor to share with you someone who left his comment to our last entry.

He is Mr. Abdul Jalil:

Dear Mr. Akhyari Hananto,

Let me applause for what you have written above, as I read them, everything is just like silent as I focused on every single words you put there…

I found some unusual words because of my vocabularies are lack, BUT still, I could catch the whole meaning of this writing, it’s just a very nice reading and it motivates me a lot to do something or at least to love my country more

As what u wrote, I do agree that Indonesia has miles changed and it’s no longer become a country that can be really proud of, with all those internal problems still I cannot ensure myself to see Indonesia comes back as what it was or become even better…

When you mentioned about your past memories, I also recalled some of the sweetest memories of my young, though I was not from well-off family but at that I was very reach with smiling, no burden, affection from parents and relatives and many others things…

You have nice dreams to this beloved country and I believe that lots people out there are also dreaming of the same things So from this comment, personally, I want to say that it is a very good news to hear that there are still people like you who are still dreaming and expecting for Better Indonesia and I do hope to hear more and more from you and any other Indonesian in order to keep me motivated day by day! Nice to read your writing

Best regards, Abdul Jalil Thank you all for your dreams will keep us moving to become a better nation! (Akhyari Hananto)

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