Elevating Elevo

Elevating Elevo
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GNFI once made entry about ZYREX, Indonesia's very own brand of PC/Laptop/notebook, it got lotsa responses, as many did not realize that it's and indonesian brand. Indonesia is actually home to some brands of such products, and we'll deliver them one by one. Let's start with this one. Got this from their site www.elevo.co.id"ELEVO is an independent technology-based company which name is taken from the acronym of EL and EVO. EL is the initial of the belated Mr. Eddy Liew, the founder of Dragon Computer & Communication Group, while EVO is the evolution, vision and mission of which he always believes that to succeed in this computer & communication business, we always have to evolve.Mr. Eddy liew was also the one of the first men who brought in computer tecnology to Indonesia in the beginning of 1980s era. Eleo in English (noun:elevator) and also in latin (elevo) means to elevate, to raise up, to enlighten.The brand "elevo" was born in Jakarta on 8th August 2008 (08/08/08) where a team of solid experts who are dedicated and havemany years experience in computer technology were gathered and decidedto collaborate and to realize Elevo vision and mission. PT Elevo TechnologiesIndonesia (ETI) always beleve that the quality of product and the quality of service are two things that you cn not separate. We are here From You and we are here For You.Elevo simply different!" Elevo has recently launched a netbook at very low price, onoy Rp.998,000 ro about $100. Let's grab 'em.

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