August 2010 Trade Is Sure Plus!

August 2010 Trade Is Sure Plus!
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Indonesia recorded exports of US$13.71 billion in August, while imports reached US$12.22 billion, resulted in a trade surplus of US$1.49 billion, against trade deficit of US$130 million in July, the Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) announced on Friday.

The country’s exports rebound by 9.8 percent in August from US$12.29 billion in July, and up 30 percent from August 2009.

The August imports dropped by 3.21 percent from July figure of US$12.63 billion, but up 25.89 billion in August last year. Non-oil and gas imports in August totaled US$10.01 billion, down 4.8 percent from July.

In June, the country recorded trade surplus of US$580 million and US$2.47 billion in May.

Non oil-and-gas exports reached US$11.77 billion in August, up 10.94 percent from July and was 32.35 percent higher than in August 2009.

The value of exports in the first eight months to August reached US$98.71 billion, up 40.42 percent from the same period last year, while non-oil and gas exports reached US$81.73 billion, or up 36.25 percent.

The biggest non-oil and gas exports destination in August was Japan worth US$1.4 billion (compared to US$1.37 billion in previous month), followed by China at US$1.24 billion against US$920 million in July and the U.S. at US$1.14 billion (dropped from US$1.28 billion in July).

The combined export value of the three exports destinations in August was 32.17 percent of total exports value. The exports to the EU (27 countries) were valued at US$1.62 billion, up from US$1.52 billion in July.

In the first eight months to August, imports reached US$87.78 billion, or increased 46.9 percent from the same period last year. Non-oil-and gas imports totaled US$70.35 billion, or up 43.56 percent from a year earlier.

Given the above eight months exports and imports data, Indonesia still posted trade surplus of US$10.93 billion, rose from trade surplus in the first seven months of US$9.45 billion.

Source: The Indonesia Today ( [email protected])

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