GNFI on Generation21 Washington, D.C.

GNFI on Generation21 Washington, D.C.
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From Friday the 27th to Sunday 29th of May, 2011, about a hundred of Indonesian students and young professionals in the United States shared their visions, ambitions, and great ideas on how to propel the country's development in a forum Generation 21: Indonesia Ideas Forum USA organized by Modernisator at the Embassy of Indonesia in Washington, D.C. Supported by prominent leaders with vast experiences in business, government, and politics such as Dino Patti Djalal, Peter Gontha, Sri Mulyani, Rieke Amru, and John Riady this forum sent a high wave of optimism about Indonesia's future.

The forum participants are planning to create an Indonesian network across the United States to bridge ideas for Indonesia. This is something of a very important value. What we've seen as a challenging phenomena "brain drain" will turn into a very strategic tool for Indonesia's advancements. The soon-to-be created network will regularly channel members in the United States with support in Indonesia to implement progressive solutions. As the 3-day forum progressed, the Indonesian students and young professionals met their fellow Indonesians who share the same visions and complement each others ideas. Very soon we might see some of these collaborations hit the ground both in Indonesian and the United States. Good News From Indonesia took this opportunity to share its vision for optimism and positive thinking among Indonesians through positive journalism. Peter Gontha, affirming this vision, said in a session on the second day, "At some point we do need to filter our news. Bad news portion needs to be reduced to 30% probably. No, maybe 10%, and it's already too much for bad news." The Java Jazz producer also promised to produce better TV programs that are more focused on and promoting knowledge, positive news, and analytical thinking although can't let go of completely the gossip segment. In a different discussion, Sri Mulyani also encouraged the media to publish more good news about Indonesia.

On a side note, Redhi Setiadi, a researcher from a national newspaper, explained that public's perspective has changed and demand for positive journalism has seen an increase. This coupled with the fast advancement of technology have forced conventional media outlets to change their strategies and publication standards. This forum will be aired on SCTV as an hour special program, hoping to inspire fellow Indonesians to make a difference for the betterment of the society. Stay tune for the broadcast date! For questions, concerns, suggestions, and ideas on GNFI and Generation 21, send your email to [email protected].

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