French tourists to Indonesia on the upswing despite European economic crisis

French tourists to Indonesia on the upswing despite European economic crisis
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Despite the economic downturn in Europe including France, the number of tourists from France to Indonesia is increasing. Among European countries, the French market recorded the second highest growth at 7.7% after Russia. Statistic showed that while France has revised her economic growth from 1.5% to 0.5%, the number of French tourists visiting Indonesia in 2011 increased by 7.74% to 170.532 from a total of 158.280 in 2010. Whereas, the number of tourists from England was up by 3.73%, the Netherlands by 2.88%, and Germany by 2.29%. One supporting factor towards this achievement was Indonesia’s participation in various international Tourism promotion events such as the Salon Mondial du Tourisme held in Paris from 15 to 18 March 2012. In contrast to other business trade expos, the Salon Mondial du Tourisme is the biggest consumer oriented tourism fair in Paris. Here, travel agents meet directly with potential tourists looking for travel destinations. Participating in the event, the Indonesia Pavilion featured 9 travel agents. At the Indonesia Pavilion, Nia Niscaya, Director for Overseas Promotion of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy remained optimistic on the increase of French tourists to Indonesia.”We are very proud of this achievement, since we only conducted minimum promotion and participated only in two major tourist events in France. Nevertheless, the role of VITO or the Visit Indonesia Tourism Office in France has also been significant since it promotes Indonesian Tourism in the French Market” stated Nia Niscaya as quoted in The Indonesia Pavilion also received the honor of a visit from the French’s Minister of Tourism, Frederic Lefebvre. With the economic crisis still engulfing Europe, there are worries that the number of French tourists to Indonesia would decline in 2012. The Indonesian Ambassador for France, Rezlan Ishar Jenie advised the Indonesian tourism industry to continue promoting.”We cannot just watch the crisis, but we must see beyond this to the stage of post-crisis. Therefore, we need to anticipate the momentum of the European interest in Indonesia, especially in France”, added Ambassador Rezlan Ishar Jenie. The tourist industry in Indonesia is determined to persistently conduct promotions for Indonesia by highlighting destinations outside of Bali. This is in line with the “Beyond Bali” strategy of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which this year focuses on promoting new Nature and Adventure destinations such as Mount Bromo, Tana Toraja, Raja Ampat, Wakatobi, and Derawan. Source:

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