Ranks 9 in the World

Ranks 9 in the World
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Indonesia takes no. 9 position on the list of major countries for direct foreign investment, below Vietnam and Mexico. The data compiled via the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) survey announced by Director of Regional Cooperation of Investment Coordination Board (BKPM) Rizar Indomo Nazaroeddin. In the survey conducted on 193 countries through out the period 2009-2012, Indonesia remains at no. 9, whereas Vietnam advances from no. 11 in the period 2009-2011 to no.8 in the period 2010-2012. Mexico jumps from no. 12 to no. 6, while China consistently maintains no. 1 position in the two consecutive periods.

Although Indonesia's position is stagnant, for the period 2010-2012, it manages to beat Germany, Thailand, Australia, Japan, and Malaysia. Its position is further strengthened by investment grades embedded by other institutions in the survey. According to Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Muliaman Hadad, Indonesia's continued economic growth opens door for the country to develop further. NUR ALFIYAH

(Source: Tempo Interaktif)

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