From Hollywood to Cannes

From Hollywood to Cannes
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Indonesian Student Achieves Big in Foreign Countries

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – April 18, 2013 – Roland Wiryawan, a recent graduate from University of Southern California, is set to visit Cannes from May 14 to May 26. His visit to Cannes will be his new stepping-stone in the world of cinematic arts as his last short film at USC School of Cinematic Arts, “Would You” is officially selected for Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival.

“It is an honor for me to be able to show the world my work as a filmmaker,” said Roland. This is not the first time that his work got featured at international film festival. His three years of study at one of the most prestigious film school in the world, USC School of Cinematic Arts, has prepared him well. “Another short movie of mine called “Lee” has previously been featured at International Film Festivals in London, Toronto, and Los Angeles, among many others.”

“Filmmaking is a true passion of mine. I’ve tried other career paths, literally. I graduated from University of Indonesia majoring in Law, but I realized that it wasn’t truly my passion,” explained Roland. Before he studied abroad, Roland was also active in entertainment industry, mostly taking jobs as MC, radio announcer, and event organizer. “I still love entertainment very much, but now I want to focus on film industry,” he stated.

 “Would You” is a story of two kids and young friendship before and slightly after social distinction comes and puts in different perspectives. It resonates to the problem of racism and taps into the innocence of young ones and parenthood.

Living and learning filmmaking for almost 7 years in Los Angeles, California, he still has his heart locked up for Indonesia. This year, he plans to go back and start pre-production on his first feature that incorporates Indonesian history and a modern touch, packed with adventures and actions.

At Cannes Film Festival, Roland plans to expand his horizon even more. Roland is hungry for more experience and looking forward to meeting and collaborating with other global filmmakers.


For more information, please visit: Festival de Cannes Official Website

Media Contact: Siera Tamihardja / +1 (206) 218 - 4477 / [email protected]

About Would You

Would You is a poignant story about young friendship and two different worlds colliding. It depicts the ugly truth of a social issue. We are born race blind and with innocent minds, but as we grow up, our external influences can change our perceptions. Are we willing to embrace our differences?


About Roland Wiryawan

Roland Wiryawan is an avid filmmaker graduated from USC School of Cinematic Arts majoring in Film and Television Production. During his years in USC, he was a distinguished scholar, receiving scholarships from USC Asian Pacific Alumni Association and Norman Topping Student Aid Fund. Due to his contributions in the areas of leadership and service, he was the only Indonesian recipient of the prestigious USC The Order of Troy among his graduation class of 2012.


Having a deep passion in filmmaking, Roland directed a number of shorts such as Wake Up (2007), Pointe (2010), Good Night, Mr. O (2010), and LEE (2011). The latter has received praises and remarkable reviews not only from the United States, but also from other parts of the world such as Israel, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Indonesia.


Since its debut in 2011, Lee has been official selection for 16 film festivals in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and France, among many others. Recently, 27th London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, Tel-Aviv’s International LGBT Film Festival, and Asian Queer Film Festival in Japan have put LEE on their official selection in 2013.


Upon his arrival in United States of America, Roland wanted to help other minority filmmakers gain access to resources. He founded the Asian American Cinema Association at the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Though he founded this group to improve access for Asian-American filmmakers, he is active in supporting all minorities. He is passionate about fostering a global cinema community. One of his goals is to elevate and bridge Indonesia and Hollywood film industry in the near future.

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