Bali Support in Achieving Carbon Neutral Commitments

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Bali Support in Achieving Carbon Neutral Commitments
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The establishment of the Indonesia Green Summit in 2021 is a significant step in encouraging all facets of the country to participate actively in national efforts to achieve sustainable development. While in the midst of discovering more about Indonesia (Makin Tahu Indonesia), all parties are urged to work together, collaborate, and advance in harmony in order to create an Indonesia that is sustainable, safe, and consistent with the requirements of the 1945 Constitution through the most recent national aim to attain carbon neutrality by 2060.

Climate change and carbon neutrality in 2060 are a significant topic that is being managed within the framework of national interests, according to former Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya. This is because the problem of green development has received widespread public demand. Arifin Tasrif, the minister of energy and mineral resources (ESDM), also stated that in order to allow for the best possible use of new and renewable energy, the carrying capacity of the energy transition was necessary due to environmental concerns and the firmness of the mission’s execution.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Bali, August 31, 2022, continues to support numerous innovations in the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT). To accelerate the energy transformation in accordance with government aims and particularly within the context of the G20 Presidency, sectoral synergy is essential. For all parties concerned, effective coordination and collaboration are anticipated to be able to produce environmental and economic impacts.

Danone-Aqua is one of the industrial sector’s supporters in achieving carbon neutral commitments and maximizing the use of renewable energy to combat climate change, as evidenced by the installation of PLTS Roofs in all Danone-AQUA factories in Indonesia.

The Establishment of the Danone AQUA Mambal Bali PLTS Roof was attended by Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, who said Danone Aqua’s move exemplifies the company’s great commitment as a stakeholder because it has supported the Government’s focus on the use of renewable energy  and innovate in its efforts to run a long-term business. He hopes that other businesses will be able to replicate and resemble this program. It is said to have a system capacity of 704 kWp and can generate 1,050 MWh of electricity per year. It is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 882 tons per year.

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