Revisiting Biak Spaceport

Revisiting Biak Spaceport
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As once posted in GNFI many months ago, Indonesia along with Russia would establish the first spaceport in Southeast Asia, which will be in Biak Island, in the far east of Indonesia. Since 2008 Indonesia has been involved in a joint venture with the Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA) and companies to offer the commercial launch service for launch of satellites after 2011 by means of air-space system Air Start:  specifically Russian Antonov An-124 aircraft will deliver a space launch vehicle to the new Indonesian spaceport on this island.

This spaceport is ideally suited to commercial launches as it sits near exactly on the Equator- any space vehicle launched at the equator has a greater kinetic energy imparted to it and thus a higher escape velocity, and thus heavier payloads- greater other terrestrial locations Indonesian LAPAN has had extensive co-operation and skills enhancement with the Technical University Berlin.

It is really worth waiting for,  and hereby, GNFI would like to remind you again, that Indonesia will be one of few countries to host an advanced spaceport.

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