Smile: Lilly Allen Engaged in Bali

Smile: Lilly Allen Engaged in Bali
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Congratulations to Lily Allen, who has joined the club of engaged celebs this month! Guess every guy had the same idea—propose around Christmastime!

According to The Sun, Lily’s boyfriend Sam Cooper proposed to her on Christmas Day while the two were on a beach in Bali. Damn! Not sure anyone can top that!

"Lily is absolutely beaming and emotional at the same time,” says a source. “She had no idea Sam was going to propose and said yes instantly.”

"He's been her rock for her since the couple lost their baby and she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him."

They’ve been together for about a year and a half, but have already been through so much together, including the heartbreaking miscarriage Lily just went through. I think the timing was perfect on his part—if they were ready to have a baby together, then they’re definitely ready to give marriage a try!

Lily has said about her man, : "Sam treats me differently. He's told me he'll look after me forever. That's what I've always wanted - someone to look after me.

"We've never had one argument and there's nothing about him that annoys me."

Awwww… let’s hope this bliss lasts! Congrats and enjoy Bali, guys!

Source: Scoopywood

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