A Heartwarming Night

A Heartwarming Night
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I was at a coffee shop for a cup of hot and black coffee, several weeks ago. I purposely brought the Economist magazines (<-- note the 's'), and planned to spend sometimes about the mobile phone industry in Africa, and the bubbling economy of China. Imagine, Friday evening, cozy and quiet place, good mags in bag, a hot black coffee. What a heartwarming night. When I started to open up my bag to grab the mags, I overheard a bizman just next to my table, in his 50's saying to his colleague, "I need at least 2 new managers for business development in Surabaya and Makassar." His colleague, happened to be an Indonesian lady, replied, "I have shortlisted at least 10 candidates. They are all American and Australian educated fresh graduates." The man than replied, " NO! I want Indonesia educated people. I worked with Indonesians for years in Seoul. Not only hard workers, they were skillful, knowledgeable, and not demanding. Please, shortlist again." And the lady started to call her assistant to come up with new shortlist.

What a truly heartwarming night.

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