Indonesian Blackberry

Indonesian Blackberry
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My friend, Dindit, was a BlackBerry lover, which was to me very annoying when ceaseless beeps coming from his gadget. Almost every 40 seconds, he got at least one YM or Gtalk message, Facebook message, or email. Damn! It was sooo annoying. Then, I happened to become a BlackBerry subscriber sometimes in 2007, which only get my friends (and wife) badly annoyed. I am not sure, when I was somewhere in Garuda waiting lounge in Jakarta, I saw many people were busy with their BlackBerry; not only bizmen, but also students and teenagers. Believe me, I never ever found this kinda atmosphere anywhere on earth. In America, only 'important' people use BlackBerry, in Indonesia, even a 14-year-old boy carries around this advanced gadget.
Indonesians has long been known as gadget freaks. They carry their cell phones everywhere, even sometimes to a place which there is no connection at all. Indonesians love to be connected all time. BlackBerry finds its HUGE market in Indonesia.

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