Largest Sea Fish Producers

Largest Sea Fish Producers
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Do you know how much sea fish in tons Indonesia catches annually? It is a lot! 64 million tons of sea fish is produced annually in Indonesia making it the fourth largest of the commodity in the world. In addition to sea fish, Indonesia also produces five million tons of freshwater fish annually. China remained the world`s largest fish producer with a total catch of over 100 million tons annually, he said. Indonesia has intensified its fight against illegal fishing activity in the country`s waters in cooperation with several other countries, and in February 2009, Indonesia and Australia launched a joint campaign against illegal fishing among fishermen`s groups in South Sulawesi. Indonesia as well as Australia had suffered because of illegal fishing by foreign citizens. Therefore, the two countries were determined to eradicate the activity that could destroy the fish stocks on which the livelihood of many people depended. Source: Antara

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